Monday, October 20, 2008

Simple Soap Savings

OK, some of us will go really far to save a buck, and my blog will include many extreme ways to save. So, here is one of those ways to be frugal.

Do you have any idea how much liquid hand soap you go through in your household? Like so many other things, my family goes through more than I wish to buy in a year. But, stretching it out is easier than ever - here's how. First, buy one of those foaming hand soap pumps. When it is empty, use your regular liquid hand soap to refill it, but you need to mix it with water to get the foaming action. The recipe is 1 cup of water and 1 tablespoon of liquid hand soap. Combine, stir and voila! You can make one small bottle of liquid soap last about a year. And, if you buy in bulk, that huge bottle of hand soap will last so long it won't be on your grocery list for a ridiculous amount of time. Please note that the hand soaps without moisturizers tend to work better.

What are some of your "extreme" money-saving ideas? Share them here!

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