Saturday, November 15, 2008

Insurance Savings

Have you called your insurance agent lately? You might have a HUGE savings surprise in store for you if you do. My husband and I have been in our house just over two years, and for quite some time I have wanted to look into saving some money in on our homeowners and auto policies. But, as so many other things go, life gets in the way, and I forget to make the call. Besides, insurance is not a fun topic to talk about. But, I was extremely glad when I actually made the time to call 2 weeks ago. After having our agent check our home and auto policies and shop other insurance companies, we are now saving over $750 a year by re-writing these policies!!! And, the policy coverages/details are exactly the same as before. After a few minutes of being mad that we could have saved the money sooner, I was astounded and thrilled that a couple phone calls saved that much money. WOW! So, do yourself a favor and check into your insurance policies - you may have Christmas paid for and not know it. If you need some help looking into auto insurance savings, here is a helpful guide.Click Here!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Save - Sales on Toys

You know how your kids move through stages of interests as they age? My soon-to-be 6 year old daughter is not interested in her current collection of toys, so I need some ideas for her December birthday and Christmas. And, even though my second daughter has the benefit of many hand-me-down toys, she is not interested in the same things as her big sister. I like to "window" shop at Toys-R-Us and use their website to check out new toys coming for the season. Here is a quick link to get you started on your shopping list.

Toys R Us

Monday, November 3, 2008

Save Early Shop Late!

Yes, November is here...let the holiday season begin! My family is trimming down the spending this year. Save, save, save - my new motto. I plan on saving by shopping internet deals. Don't let shipping costs scare you away because most sites offer shipping deals or free shipping. And, even when you have to spend a little on shipping, the convenience of shopping from your pc (late at night when all are asleep!) and having items delivered to your front door make the expense worth it. My first daughter was born on December 23rd, so going out of the house to fight the crowds at 9 months pregnant was out of the question. Internet shopping was the answer, and I saved a ton of money with careful selections. Why wait in line to get that special toy for your little one? Or, why search for the hard-to-find gift for your husband or dad? I find the men in my life are sometimes the hardest to shop for, but when it comes to sports, hunting, fishing, hiking...guy stuff central is Dunhams. They have a huge selection, great promotions, and a clearance department. Get a head start on your shopping list, or start developing ideas for those you are shopping for. Good luck!

Free Shipping on Hunting and Fishing Apparel and Boots on! Ends 1.31.09